
Colossians: Being Like Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

At some point, everyone experiences real suffering—pain, disappointment, sickness, abuse. Paul’s message to the Colossian church—and to us—is that suffering isn’t senseless or worthless. Chained in a Roman prison, Paul tells us how suffering can be an opportunity for Christ to show his power and glory in us.

“I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake.” Paul spoke these words to a scribe, likely while in a dark pit, chained to a guard. Pain, filth, turmoil and rejoicing? Most of us would be saying, “God, why have you abandoned me?” Not Paul—he saw an opportunity to serve Jesus. Paul met Christ on his way to kill Christians. Via a blinding light, scales on his eyes, and a vision, he became a Christ-follower. But it wasn’t Paul’s vision that gave him spiritual stamina. His fellow workers in
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